The relative value of DaaS: A look at the real cost of office as

7:50 PM
The relative value of DaaS: A look at the real cost of office as - Service

Service providers talk every day to small and medium companies that want reduce iT burden, but are not sure of the cost of a new company as an office as a service. But what is the real cost of DaaS? Consider this ...

Would you pay $ 100 per month for Microsoft Office? Sounds ridiculous, right? How about if we threw in a few other applications ... say Adobe Creative Suite, QuickBooks and a few other business-critical applications? Still not convinced? OK, so we added some concerts storage, backup and business continuity, access to any of your data on a device and unlimited 24 × 7 Support? And just to keep things interesting, let's say you never have to buy software enhancements again? Sounds pretty interesting right? We call this office as a service (DaaS).

But if you are really a contrarian and still do not believe the relative value of this offer? We might want to take a look DaaS from a different angle. For example, say you're currently on a mobile data plan from a major service provider. The final lowest price for just a couple of devices (including tax and service charge) is about $ 140 a month. This is the ability to talk, text, surf the web, download music and watch some videos. There is no critical business applications, backup, business continuity in the offer. Yet, millions of small business owners pay these fees every month stride.

Finally, and probably most important, although IT spending for SMEs is actually on the rise, many business owners do not even know what their actual IT spending. For example, a company of 100 employees could spend up to $ 0,000 per year on the budget for capital expenditure (capex) for only the cost of data centers. Amortized over three years that IT spending would amount to over $ 0 per month per employee. Add a personal computer, software purchases and maintenance contracts and the cost could be well over $ 300 per month per employee. Now that $ 100 per month for DaaS starts to look very interesting, especially if you are a small business owner trying to cut costs and boost profitability.


$ per month for an Office suite of software? Maybe not ... but DaaS ... Certainly!

Watch this 2 minute video to learn more about this Office as a service can provide a small or medium business.

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