Followed:? How do virtualization

10:53 PM
Followed:? How do virtualization -

Really appreciate everyone who participated in our initial survey (the survey virtualization is always open if you want to add more flavor to the conversation - http: //

there was a limited number of responses, so it can not be completely reflect the real world, but the trends observed from the answers were the help validate some of our initial assumptions

VMWare is a significant preference among respondents, but in some cases they use XenServer or Hyper-V for XenDesktop controller servers and / or desktops VDI -. say, apart from other infrastructures being virtualized.


Preliminary investment?
Ease of use?

Is it a technology perform different types of jobs than others? Cashbox terminals vs CAD upscale resorts?

What if you do not want to invest more in your own virtualization? Maybe you just want to manage your cloud subscription the initial charge and reduce the huge initial investment in machines, networks and storage. I want to think like; "Cloud" - purely hosted in the cloud, no local infrastructure; And "Fog" -. Cloud and transparent local accommodation

Again, thank you for taking the time to read and give us feedback. Look for the next election to come to a twitter stream near you!

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