XenDesktop obtain information load balancing using the SDK

1:44 PM
XenDesktop obtain information load balancing using the SDK -

In XenDesktop 7, you can use the Server OS machines to provide cost-effective applications and desktops hosted on server operating systems to multiple users.

To balance the load of the server OS machines in a XenDesktop deployment 7, you use Citrix policies. There are several load balancing policies for activation and configuration management of the load between the servers providing Windows Server OS machines. For more information about these policies, see: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/xendesktop-7/cds-policies-rules-load-mgmt.html. You work with policies through Studio or the Management Console in Windows Group Policy. For more information about working with policies, see: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/xendesktop-7/cds-policies-wrapper-rho.html.

to see the load, you can either use the Citrix director or studio consoles, or PowerShell SDK. The following example shows how to use the PowerShell SDK to display the load.

Note . If you've used previous versions of XenDesktop, you may know the command load qfarm / . This tool is available in XenDesktop 7, but you can use PowerShell to display a similar output as shown in the example below

Example :. Get load index values ​​using PowerShell

To see a list of machines with their measured values ​​calculated / of the load index and the figures running sessions on them:

  1. Start a shell in PowerShell. For more information, see: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/xendesktop-7/cds-sdk-wrapper-rho.html.
  2. Type:

Get-brokerMachine -SessionSupport multisession -Property 'DnsName', 'load index', 'SessionCount

for more information and examples, see help cmdlet to cmdlet get- brokermachine and on topics such as about_broker_filtering -xd7.html. See: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/xendesktop-7/cds-sdk-cmdlet-help.html

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