Support Linux distributions

11:55 AM
Support Linux distributions -

supports One of the main difficulties of a product on Linux, is the number of available distributions. Freedom of choice has created a variety of Linux distributions, each suiting a particular type of user. It is this availability of choice, product development on Linux much more involved than on other platforms.

packaging a product on Linux has made some complications. Although the package may be of type 'RPM', this does not automatically mean the product function make it right with every distro that uses RPM as packaging format. The RPM package is a container for the executables, scripts, libraries, and other resources that contain the product. These executables can be attached libraries that are only in a particular version of a distribution. can make the placement of the same binaries on a different distribution of the executable inoperable because of missing dependencies.

The configuration of the system can also vary wildly between distributions. Set up the firewall, Active Directory integration, and tuning system parameters may vary among distributions, or different editions of a distribution. There is no standard method for configuration via distributions. As such, configuration scripts are developed, tested, and then for each distribution that the product targets packed. Run the same configuration script on a different distribution may lead to undesirable results.

Some free Linux distributions the goal with a commercial offer to be compatible. An example is Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and the joint venture operating system (CentOS). In this case, there is a high chance of success to take a package that targets a specific version of RHEL and properly corresponds with the packet function on the CentOS release.

There are a balance both the commercial between support and free distributions. As much as we have so many Linux distributions work as possible, by the differences of each of these distributions is making substantial development and testing effort to target would love.

So by all means, feel free to experiment with Linux Virtual Desktop but not to be surprised on your favorite Linux distribution, if things are not quite as expected. We can only support the list of supported Linux distributions.

If you have had success with Linux Virtual Desktop on a distribution that we do not officially support, let us know! Moreover, if you can provide details about the configuration that was required, we would like to hear about it.

We want to target more Linux distributions in the future, so let us know in the comments what you would like to support us.

more of the Linux Virtual Desktop Read team to see here all our contributions.

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