Adjust Storefront 3.0 - The new UI

12:06 PM
Adjust Storefront 3.0 - The new UI -

I'm sure you've all heard the saying: the only constant is change in this life.

In the infrastructure world, the word "change" can mean a time of excitement and innovation, but also indicate a period of uncertainty. For tens of thousands of Citrix users and administrators, the classic experience of the Web Interface (WI) and Program Neighborhood (PN) has become a way of life. The width of adjustments and unique way that customers stop there, have made their own, never to surprise us.

When the App Store next generation named Citrix storefront was the first time the big question for all was published, was how to carry on the important adjustments during the new experience to adapt.

Now in its third generation, Citrix Storefront 3.0 has to provide a fantastic job of backward compatibility with well-loved features from the PN Agent maintenance or the classic user interface, and in the hands of administrators control in order to introduce to the new features, or even the new look. About 65 new JavaScript API and dozens of other accommodation areas allow administrators responsible for the move from a simple "Remote Access" model to the larger mobile workstation to be. Definitely there is no better time than now that the migration away from the web interface to Storefront 3.0

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allows you to plan in this seamless transition, we produce many technical instructions and training. A good starting point is this blog series by our CTO, Richard Hayton that in walking, running why and how of the latest Storefront and receiver. There is a new on-demand rate of Citrix Education, the one offering deep-sea diving in Storefront 3.0, and examines the nitty-gritty of the new features, as well as what a consistent experience to your users on any desktop or need to do mobile device to deliver.

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The storefront is of course through our e-learning subscription. The subscription gives you access to over 20 different courses on virtualization, networking or mobility. Click here to sign up for the e-learning subscription for a small annual fee of <$ 2 per day

Finally, there is another saying that Citrix administrators love :. Knowledge Power is!

to get you started, here's a sneak preview of some of the adjustments possible with Storefront 3.0. The first video shows you how to switch from the Classic showcase "Green Bubble" theme to the new unified StoreFront 3.0 theme and show you the way around it.

In the next few blogs in this series (links to which are shown below), you are a little more of the options, the new Storefront 3.0 as you to want to adapt the storefront console , You will see how branding and appearance tweaks implement and how to propagate changes from a storefront server to the rest of the storefront server in a server group

  • video. 2 - Changes to a storefront server made propagate to the rest of the storefront server in the server group
  • Video 3 - .. custom logos to the login screen and add and change the header background color
  • video 4 header - Advertise a set of applications on a specific group of users on special application groups.
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