With ADC Services build scalable, redundant OpenStack Clouds

11:42 AM
With ADC Services build scalable, redundant OpenStack Clouds -

If your company IT agility seeks to increase and reduce the cost of an orchestration platform structure as OpenStack to automate the use of resources makes a lot Sense.

How do you implement your OpenStack platform ensures application availability and performance is a necessary development goal plan. There are a number of things for this purpose to take into account, for example, how to minimize downtime to support you or your legacy applications, as well as your applications that are built for the cloud. You need to host multiple tenants may on your cloud platform and deliver performance SLAs them. Larger application implementations could cloud platform services extend require multiple locations.

For a successful implementation of OpenStack, ensure that you have recommendations for best practices for multi-zone and multi-region cloud architectures design. There are two main areas to consider. One is resources segregation or "pooling" and the use of cloud platform constructs such as availability zones and host aggregates Group infrastructure in fault domains and high-availability domains. The other is how to use an ADC as Citrix NetScaler, very to make available, high-performance, application delivery and load balancing services in distributed, multi-tenant, fault-tolerant cloud architecture.

Mirantis and Citrix have collaborated to cover this complex subject area, bringing with each carry deep technical expertise and considerable real customer experience.

Mirantis is the leading pure-play companies OpenStack and creator of the highly acclaimed Mirantis OpenStack distribution. NetScaler pioneered Citrix Application Delivery Controller (ADC) use in virtualized cloud architectures, and we have unique expertise in large software-defined network environments.

building networks to ensure high availability for applications is not new something, if you are familiar with the Citrix NetScaler ADC capabilities. NetScaler is known for providing application security, acceleration and load balancing (GSLB including) capabilities across the broadest range of platforms.

best practices for multi-zone and multi-region Cloud Integration
It is easier to build robust and scalable centers to build OpenStack data when three best-practice rules are applied in the planning:

• physical coupon to create resource failure domains, and plan to mark this as OpenStack Availability Zones.

• Distribute OpenStack and database controller through three or more adjacent fault domains to create a resilient cluster.

• Networks - design considerations should both data plane and control plane network criteria for scale and high availability

created these recommendations using a self closed OpenStack cluster contains at least three errors. , Domains, visible as Availability Zones to administrators and users This view, which in turn makes it easier applications are deployed in a resilient manner:

• Fully stateless applications such as Web applications, can being rendered resilient deploy redundant instances in separate AZs, behind load balancing. need

• Apps quorum type HA, three separate AZs with their synchronization Scaffolding, are just like the OpenStack used and database can (Ceph) controllers.

after scale-out can be done by adding compute, storage and network capacity in each Fault Domain up controller capacity OpenStack, and thereafter through infrastructure adding aggregations in their own fault domains, each with a new OpenStack controller and memory controller components.

ADCs in a scale-out and high availability model
In addition to connectivity and isolation integration, availability and redundancy model for network services such as load balancers and firewalls must carefully while ensuring high availability for your OpenStack cloud planning are considered. Primarily, the following factors must be considered:

• Scale-out - an important aspect for the cloud design is the ability to add more capacity when needed to meet the needs of growing workloads. The recommended approach is to add more nodes than incremental units capacity. This scale of approach your load balancing capacity can grow disproportionately with the computing capacity of the application

• High Availability Model -. Although an active-passive HA model is very popular in the standard enterprise implementations, active-active is the preferred model for typical cloud architectures. The reason of the fact back that cloud design on a scale of architecture in which is based ideally, each node processes active requirements, while N + 1 redundancy for the other node provides.

considerations in providing stateful applications
is developing new applications for the cloud, are stateless as a rule and are doomed to fail built with the philosophy of the failed node by new ones replace, as opposed to those who repair that have failed. It may legacy applications that rely on shared state between multiple nodes must be still and considered. require from an ADC perspective, be evaluated vendor technologies to support synchronization and sharing application state across multiple nodes in the scale of services for its ADC solutions.

Load Balancing as a cloud service in OpenStack
OpenStack Neutron LBaaS provides an "as a service" consumption model for load through a set of APIs Balancing that technology agnostic of specific suppliers and abstracted from infrastructure complexities that are involved with the management of load balancing devices. Neutron LBaaS are the operators to use OpenStack flexibility in the choice of technologies backend ADC.

NetScaler of OpenStack LBaaS integration as a production grade solution designed for enterprises, business-critical applications are running on a large scale. It deals with the operational requirements around infrastructure-as-a-Service is running, while offering flexibility and control over performance, availability and scope.

NetScaler of OpenStack LBaaS solution mentioned in a specially built orchestration product based on Citrix NetScaler Control Center (NCC), the operational complexity in providing LBaaS in OpenStack all NetScaler appliances to seamlessly integrate physical and virtual involved simplified.

See for more information on best practices for multi-zone and multi-region Cloud Integration This paper, production-grade ADC services with Scalable, Redundant OpenStack Clouds build.

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