Storefront 3.0: Message Customization

11:30 AM
Storefront 3.0: Message Customization -

A newer version here

* Updated with Firefox work, Chrome etc.

It can be very helpful if you can make your employees aware of any maintenance that. the systems and applications that could affect them access Below I detail a few simple adjustments in Storefront 3.0 can be used to do just that.

How I can see in the image have added a green bar with the scrolling text "Everything works great! Test." The great thing with storefront 3.0 this is suitable as a computer Receivers displays in the storefront webpage.



Step 1

Open Receiver.html in "C: inetpub wwwroot Citrix "and overwrite existing code

with the following

Step 2

edit manually or use the utility Style.css located in "C to change: inetpub wwwroot Citrix custom "


/ * storefront messaging * /

#customTop {

height: 30px;

Background: red;


.StoreMarquee {

Latitude: 0 auto;

margin: 0 auto;

white-space: nowrap;

overflow: hidden;

box-sizing: border-box;


.StoreMarquee span: after {

Plot: "Everything works"; / * What contain the element * /

display: inline;


.StoreMarquee span {

font-family: "Arial Black", sans-serif;

font-size: 1.0em;

font-weight: bold;

Color: White;

display: inline block;

padding-left: 100%; / * The Marquee show just outside the paragraph * /

Animation: Store Marquee 15s linear infinite;

-moz-animation: Store Marquee 15s linear infinite;

-webkit animation: Store Marquee 15s linear infinite;


/ * it * /

@keyframes Store Marquee {

0% {transform move branches translate (0, 0); }

100% {transform: translate (-100%, 0); }


@ - moz keyframes Store Marquee {

0% {-moz-transform: translate (0, 0); }

100% {-moz-transform: translate (-100%, 0); }


@ - Webkit keyframes Store Marquee {

0% {-webkit-transform: translate (0, 0); }

100% {-webkit-transform: translate (-100%, 0); }


/ * Storefront messaging end * /

Done! apply for the change of a Receiver.html Iisreset you want to do. Then you can make the Style.css modifications during operation.

to enable addition / disable scrolling message using the utility, or the "#customTop" section on comment


/ * # customTop {

height: 30px;

Background: red;

} * /


Utility written in PowerShell and Windows Forms

How to use

Run utility

to browse and open style.css in "C: inetpub wwwroot Citrix custom"



, and apply

close to finish

utility is not supported provided. Storefront Messaging

code attached above as a text file Code_storefront Messaging

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