User Search Director

6:25 PM
User Search Director -

Hi there!

We hope you enjoy the many benefits of deploying XenDesktop 7 in your environment and have a great time using the troubleshooting and monitoring console - Director ! I wanted to take a little time to describe the most fundamental feature in Director - Research username !!

For a director administrator who is able to easily get the details of the session of a user / machine is of paramount importance. The "Search for users" Manager UI control is designed to provide exactly this capability to administrators.

Helpdesk admins may find monitoring the research on landing page and Helpdesk rest all directors can find both on the landing page as well as on the top right of each page.

In XenDesktop 7, the scope of the research is users . Administrators can search for a specific user by typing a search token in the search area. The search token can be the beginning of the first or the user's name or the name or the display name or account name windows.

For example, consider a user below:

Name - Sai

Name family - Peyyeti

display name - Sai Peyyeti

account name - SAIP

potential research tokens can be "s", "p", "his", "pe", "sai", "pey", "SAIP", "sai p", "sai pe", etc.

Director displays the user above at one of these tokens. Apparently more research slightest token the number of results since it would help to isolate the exact Director user. The search results will look like "display name (Domain Name Account name)"

To help understand this manager is doing when searching for a specific user, we'll talk about what happens behind the scenes. Upon connection manager creates a connection to the global catalog server domain administrator (who logs in Director) and the global catalog server domain the Director machine. In some cases, both the user and the domain of the machine will be identical. In such a case, there will be only one connection to the global catalog server. The reason for opening a connection to a global catalog is because a global catalog is designed to manage and respond to the domain controller requests a faster way. Particularly in a multi-domain scenario, it is faster to obtain information on domain objects from a global catalog server that individual domain controllers.

When a type of administration of a search token manager sends an LDAP query to the global catalog server. The LDAP query translates to - back to all users whose first or last name or the display name or account name begins with the particular token. These results also come in the sort order (sorting is done according to the account name) and returned to the admin.

So many customers asked if my Active Directory is a bit complex and my XenDesktop deployment is not that simple? Director is designed to provide customizations for such deployments listed below. These are provided as configurable application settings in IIS for the manager webapp. You can use inetmgr to start the IIS manager and go into the application parameters of the Director webapp to make these changes. Note that you must restart the Director AppPool to make the changes effective

  1. Disable wide forest research -. By default filmmaker makes a forest search throughout the admin logged Director and machine areas. In some situations, it might not be necessary to obtain large forest outcomes and results of the broad research area might be enough. To do this, create an entry called Connector.ActiveDirectory.ForestSearch and set it to false in the application settings in IIS Director. This solution can also be used in a rare case where the search fails or takes too long because of the subdomains that are not functional in a forest
  2. Added several areas of research -. By Director default global catalog searches the user logged into the admin area and the area of ​​Machine Manager. This can be extended to other areas that are not present in the forests of the domain admin or domain Machine Manager. This can be done by adding a coma (,) separate domain names for input Connector.ActiveDirectory.Domains called. e.g: (user), (server), The assumption here is that the forest of the user logged into the domain administrator is approved by the forest of the field also added if different. Director interprets the text "(user)" as "research in the logged in the admin area (forest)" and the text "(server)" as "research in the field of machine manager (forest)" and all other names (braces not necessary) as "research in the field xyz (forest)." As mentioned above research is done on the level instead of the domain forest if Connector.ActiveDirectory.ForestSearch is false
  3. return lessor or more the number of search entries -. By default filmmaker returns a total of 20 users search entries max. Suppose if there is a need to increase the number of results (eg if there is a difficulty to type a specific user name), this can be configured via the UI.GlobalSearchMaxResults entry. This value is set to 20 by default, which is recommended, as it was arrived at the basis of many tests to experience the best user interface.

Hope this information is useful and also provides an overview of how research works Director.

-sai Peyyeti

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