Three ideas to spark user-centered design thinking

11:18 AM
Three ideas to spark user-centered design thinking -

I recently took my first Citrix Synergy in Orlando.

In our Customer Experience Stand and breakout sessions, we heard many interesting stories about the possibilities - compared to our customers in providing meaningful experiences to their end users - and challenges. It was a great opportunity to listen and to get some real business feedback.

Journey Mapping

Our team ran two practical workshops to share some of the user-centered design methods that we use internally at Citrix. At the end of this session, one of the most frequently asked questions of the participants was "How can I share back with more people in my office?"

Here are three things could you do today to help your teams start to think in a user-centered manner.

1. Discover the power of Empathy

Building empathy for the user is the basis for a human-centered design approach. One of my favorite TED talks- Transforming Healthcare for children and their families -shows, this may be as powerful.

This is the story of Doug Dietz, industrial designer for GE Healthcare. Doug had received much praise from the hospital staff with its state-of-the-art MRI and CT-scan machines, but he was stunned to see that the patient experience anxiety one of its main users: young children. Determined to make a difference, Doug got to better understand these young patients and their parents, then the whole experience reimagined a sense of the child's imagination to open up. The results were very personal to him, and as a parent myself, I jumped at the impact that can have a human-centered design approach.

What if it is my child going through something were so?

2. Talk Really listen with your users and ...

In an interview with, and really listen to your users seems like common sense, right?

We have previously written about the lost art to talk with your customers, but the reality is that the technology decisions are often made without real-live end user direct input. It is not difficult to understand why. You might not be sure how to get access to users, or how to interview about it

Again and again, in our own design projects, we are reminded of a truth: You can not fake empathy. There is no substitute for sitting down and talk to your users, observing their facial expressions and body language.

Think. On three users of your product or service, and sit down with them for an informal chat Explore these Interviewing Basics Guide for some tips on how to get the most of your calls. The key is out there to get and start talking to users. It may embarrassing at first, but the more conversations you have, the more natural they are.

3. Experience is Believing

How can one then the findings apply you have collected from your users talking? We have proven the design thinking methods from Stanford Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (also known as the "") particularly accessible and useful. This action-oriented 0 minutes Design Project you walk through an entire design cycle, and could easily be completed in your next weekly team meeting. One of the things I most is to this activity that it is not based on your own business. a process, learning a history different from your own use, it allows you to accurately represent your company without the distractions to learning to concentrate. Once you have experienced the approach Example topics, you are then in a great position to apply it to your own work.

We welcome the opportunity had to share more ideas and stories, and we are always interested to hear your opinion. Feel free to reach free to at, and follow us on Twitter @CitrixCX us.

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