The WIFM MDX and Worx

1:45 PM
The WIFM MDX and Worx -

App package is one of those in vogue technical solutions for secure mobile applications without interfering with the development of these applications. Despite its flavor-of-the-day-ness, if done right, the technology can be powerful.

Delivered as Worx App SDK or generic packaging tool that can be applied to post-compilation applications Citrix MDX Technologies centralized configuration, management, security and control for any mobile application, whether created by a third party or an iT company. With MDX, enterprise applications and data reside in a container separate applications and personal data on the mobile device of the user. This allows it to set controls based on global policies, such as data loss prevention and remote locking capability, and wipe applications and encrypted data.

Who really benefits from Worx and what is the WIFM ( " w hat of i ith f or m e ")? By creating Worx , our intent was to marry a robust technology simplicity underlying MDX to make it easy for our customers and partners Worx enable their applications. This gives them a powerful edge in their development process and the value they are able to provide their users or customers of the company.

Who benefits from Worx?

There are three main audiences for Worx:

  • independent software vendors (ISVs) can incorporate MDX to deliver Worx applications " enterprise-ready " faster and pull the base out installed customer Citrix.
  • systems integrators can enjoy Worx to build applications" enterprise-ready "while focusing on features that transform the business of their customers and increase stickiness account.
  • Enterprise IT Worx can be used to provide secure applications line-of-business more quickly while increasing the value of investment by ensuring interoperability with the Citrix ecosystem application.


ISV move at the speed of lightning to develop mobile applications and stay ahead of the competitive curve. As they aim business, they need to provide not only the differentiated functionality in their field, but also capabilities that make these applications "ready for business", such as the common configuration, management and security.

Because these capabilities are not necessarily essential skills for independent software vendors (which may be focused on the development of business intelligence, workflow or productivity applications or applications targeted to a specific use case vertical such as healthcare or retail), being able to connect a set of enterprise features with minimal development effort can lead to more robust applications delivered faster. with a single line of code and SDK Worx possible to allow any Worx application. This also includes the MDX MicroVPN that provides a single application with secure access to data behind a corporate firewall.

In addition to providing better applications faster, software vendors also benefit from having their applications exposed to the Citrix client community. Citrix enables more than 250,000 corporate clients to support mobile workstyles of their users. Worx by-enable their applications, ISVs can leverage the installed base and the myriad marketing opportunities Citrix provides, beginning with registration on our Citrix Ready Worx App Gallery.

System integrators

a recent Citrix survey, 80 percent of companies will develop custom mobile applications this year and more than half of these applications will be developed by a third party, such as a systems integrator. This means that SIs will have more than their fair share of custom development work. In rochambo development, these features that create a return on investment in the corporate customer environment should take priority.

However, the development of custom applications also means creating a set of plumbing features that are needed to make these applications "ready for business", such as the common configuration management and security. To grease the skids on custom development projects and reduce the time to value of their customers, SIs will benefit from having a tool box to connect these robust enterprise features with almost no work or time investment additional.

beyond to deliver better applications faster, SIs will also benefit from providing a set of applications that use a common management and security framework to their corporate clients. Other applications that they offer are developed with this framework, the sticky SI will become in the account.

Enterprise IT

A recent Citrix survey, nearly three-quarters of enterprises deploy mobile applications for the use of online business this year, and more half of those who are mission critical. Given the strategic importance of mobile applications for businesses, IT is increasingly focused on creating applications that drive ROI across the enterprise, and to keep data network and business safe and secure. In an effort to move at the speed of the mobile phone, you need to prioritize these features that truly transform business processes.

However, the development of custom applications also means creating a set of plumbing features that are needed to make these applications "ready for business", such as the common configuration management and security. To grease the skids on custom development projects and deliver applications faster to the business segments, enterprise IT benefit from having these features as plug-ins to applications - whether by adding a small piece of code to the code of pre-compiled application or wrapping post-compilation custom applications -. with almost no additional work or time investment

beyond to deliver better applications faster to the business segments, the company will also benefit IT to develop custom applications using the same framework as the other commonly- used mobile enterprise applications - whether provided by Citrix, its ecosystem of software vendors or its sI partners. Using the same set of mobile capabilities that uses healthy Citrix ecosystem will increase the value of enterprise IT is the mobile development investment.

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